Therapeutic Education for those with neurodivergence, trauma and chronic stress.

T.E.N.T. is an acronym for Therapeutic Education for Neurodivergence & Trauma.

ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), PDA (Pathalogical Demand Avoidance), ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), DLD (Developmental Language Disorder) are neurological and behavioural challenges that require different solutions to those specifically related to the challenges of emotional and mental challenging behaviour and SEMH (caused by Fear and Trauma). Our alternative practitioners are experienced in supporting children and young people with such symptoms.

Loss, fear, trauma, being a victim or perpetrator, shame, humiliation, guilt, depression, hate, anger, procrastination and acquiescence are also traits that we support.

combined therapy

Fig 1 represents our TENT model.

Fig 2 represents the various modalities around a central system of calm and stress. It also represents the various levels of consciousness individuals are at (children, young people and supportive adults and parents or carers. For example the reds and browns represent greater dysfunction, whereas the greens and blues represent more positivity and clarity. We have alternative practitioners who focus on all or some of these aspects – so it makes sense to try and get the practitioner that best suits your needs.

Fig 3 represents the interchange of modalities and times when different approaches work better or may be integrated. Thus we may interchange practitioners depending on what stage of progress we are at.

All of these images overlap in our approach – and no single solution works for all.

Our agency staff are perfect for anyone suffering from auditory hypersensitivity and state regulation disorders, namely:

  • eating or sleeping problems
  • poor persistence of attention
  • over or under-activity
  • difficulty in adjusting to a new environment or routine
  • delayed language development due to inadequate auditory processing
  • visual-spatial processing difficulties
  • motor planning problems
  • Selective mutism

Trial us to help overcome regulatory disorders that may have one of the following traits:

  1. The hypersensitive, fearful person who tends to overreact and needs a safe, quiet and unchallenged environment.
  2. The hypersensitive, stubborn and defiant person who has an enormous need to control because they are or have been extremely overstimulated.
  3. The hyporeactive, insensitive person who may appear challenging or aggressive due to their intense diversionary tactics or cravings.
  4. The self-absorbed, under-reactive person with low motor tone and low activity level who needs both reality checks and unchallenged stimulus.
  5. The person with motor planning problems, who is often labelled ADHD because of their inattentive appearance.


We are experienced practitioners who seek to support your needs. Trial us by allowing us to initially assess and then manage a class or small group or an individual.

Don’t simply put us in as an additional member of staff to assist. We create solutions – we don’t seek to support what is not working.

We work with your staff and SLT.

We ask the questions and suggest solutions that others may not feel they can.

Our alternative practitioners are very professional and integrate protocols with ease and flow for everyone concerned. They nurture positive solutions for and with everyone.Our practitioners seek to be appreciated, so the last thing they want to do is ruffle feathers, however, they do seek to provide authentic solutions that may involve discussing truth’s that some may wish to hide – if this is the case – then please be clear in our brief.

By admin